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September 30, 2018

A God that Pains at Human Pain

September 30, 2018

A wonderful example of how much Jesus cares for us is demonstrated in Luke 8:26-37. Just before the story of Jesus healing a demon possessed man, Jesus and His disciples cross the sea and face a storm. A demon possessed man who has been rejected by all and lacks the basic necessities to live is healed, restored and loved by Jesus. As Christians we need to pray that Jesus will give us hearts and the strength to love the unlovable, the marginalized, and the least of His kingdom, so that we too would bring about change while living the lives Christ expects us to live.

Please watch the video below on A God that Pains at Human Pain, Luke 6:26-37.

September 22, 2018

ChuSeok Holiday

September 22, 2018

It's Saturday, but there is no Saturday Bible Study today because of the upcoming ChuSeok Holiday. Too many people are returning to their hometowns, preparing for the feasts, or just using the next five days to explore and travel.

This is a great time for me and my wife to get caught up in my One to One Discipleship studies. We have already completed the sixteen-week one to one with our discipleship trainers and now my wife and I are engaged in the sixteen-week course to become trainers ourselves. It is a lot of study and work, but it is so important for churches to have foundation programs as well as intensive course to make disciples.  This is one of the good things about Onnuri Community Church and its branches: they train and make disciples. And although these courses are only 16 weeks, a true disciple is for life!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20 ESV

For everyone who celebrates ChuSeok, have a great thanksgiving.

September 17, 2018

September 2, 9 and 16 OEM Sermons

For the past three weeks, Pastor Donald went over some imperatives Jesus gives his followers in Luke 6, and then from Luke 7, an example of a Roman centurion who displays faith and humility. 

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The first set of commands are for how we are to treat our enemies found in Luke 6:27-36.  As followers of Jesus,  we are told not to forgive only but also to bless and to pray for our enemies. It is important to remember that these are commands and not suggestions. 

Do unto fellow believers as you would want God to do unto you.
In the second sermon, based on Luke 6:37-45, on September 9, Pastor Donald talks about the importance of unity in the church. Jesus reminds us to examine ourselves in humility before we judge since we will be judged by the same measures with which we judge. Much the same we must remember how God has given us so much mercy, grace and blessings unending that to truly show our appreciation we must love forgivingly with help from the Holy Spirit.

An Investment Realized at the Hour of the Storm.
The third sermon revisits Luke 6 briefly to ask the question found in verse 46. Immediately, in verses 47-49, Jesus describes what happens to someone who follows his commands and what happens when one does not follow.  In Luke 7:1-10, the Bible gives us an example of the Roman centurion who invests in the Kingdom of God and collects in his time of need. He becomes a example of what happens when those who obey Jesus and build their house on solid foundation.

September 8, 2018

Saturday Bible Study Resumes

We had a good turn out for the return of our Saturday Bible Study (SBS) after a break in August. Although we had lost a member, a new member joined the group today.

Starting off with some praise, we sang "Leaning on The Everlasting Arms", followed by a short prayer and then delved back into the Book of Romans. Our group progresses slowly through Romans; however, we get a more profound understanding of God's grace and our place in his kingdom. Too often Christians are content with simple answers to complex questions. It is not enough for a mature Christian to say, "Anyone who calls on the name of Jesus is saved." In the Book of Romans Paul carefully constructs his arguments why we are saved through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and how the holy Law is important and yet all our actions to try to keep the Law cannot save us. Through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, we are no longer condemned by sin but rather justified by his blood and brought back in peace with God.  In the end, it was a good Bible study on Romans chapter eight.