Genesis 12:10-13
In this short passage from Genesis chapter 12, we can learn much about the life of Abraham. We know Abraham was a man of faith and the father of the Israelites; however, he we see that his conduct was less than admirable. This then raises a question on how God could bless someone who was so unfaithful.
Abraham, who was first named Abram, came from a pagan family and his father was an idol maker. Abram had been called by God to go to a new country, start a nation and, most importantly, have a covenant with God. Abraham was not very faithful. We see this in Genesis 12. Despite his unfaithfulness God does not punish Abram.
Yet, Abram was doing his best. Abram came from a pagan culture and knew no other culture. In fact, he was 75 years old before he is called by God to start a covenant and new life. Abraham tried his best under the circumstances. He used his logic and his understanding of his known world to make the best decisions he could. God understood that Abraham was doing his best, so God could at the heart of Abram.
Abraham was not faithful to God. Yet, God was faithful and turned the mistakes of Abraham into something beautiful and meaningful. God saw the motive of Abraham was to fulfill the promises of God and this was something God could work with to fulfil His promises.
God respects our freedom. True worship comes from our free will to worship God truthfully. Our aim may be off, but we need to aim at the right target. God understands our hearts even though others might not and we seems to be far from God's plan.
Since God can use our mistakes and weaknesses to do His will, an attitude of indifference might manifest. What does it matter if we do the wrong because God will do the right thing.It goes back to our true intentions. We need the right motivation before the promises of God can come true. God will eventually fulfill His promise to us if we are acting in good faith.
Jesus promised that he would come back and create a new heaven and Earth. We need to practice faith, but we need also to understand that Jesus will complete our faith. We need to make an effort to be used for Jesus' ministry. This includes spreading the word of the gospel. God's goal is to reconcile everyone. This is a promise that we must all hold on to dearly.