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August 26, 2018

Facing the Storms

Welcome back Pastor Donald! It was good to see our pastor up at a pulpit again leading prayers after the worship. Many of our congregation are also returning from trips and vacations, and it does our hearts good to see them back safe and sound. Thank you Jesus for more answered prayers.
Absence does make us realize how much we miss people. Glory to God that we will once again see all our brothers and sisters in Christ again someday.

Last week, two typhoons pass through Korea. Fortunately for those living in Daejeon, there  was not too much rain or wind as Daejeon in the middle of Korea surrounded by mountains. Today, Brother Brian talked about how Christians face difficulties in their lives by "Facing the Storm". In the Bible there are many accounts of prophets and disciples facing storms in boats. Although there are no promises that our lives will be storm free, Jesus is there to storm proof our lives so that we can learn, grow and become closer to God. Please see the sermon "Facing the Storm" (2 Corinthians 4:14-18) in the video below.

August 5, 2018

Vacations are in Full Swing

Many of members are on vacation and travelling. There is a time for everything and time off from work and school is much needed. This also means while members of the congregation are traveling, there are more empty pews which make the church look rather empty. Please remember to pray for those travelling that they will be safe and will be useful in doing the Lord's work. Also remember to pray for those who are able to attend for other reasons. We should always encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to attend church.
Of course, for some of our volunteers the work never ends. There are so many people doing good work in so many ways. Someone sets up chairs, someone else prepares the food, others set up tables and put out the food and finally they get together to clean up.
Thank God for people who are willing to work behind the scenes and expect no reward to make the church a better place. Every little bit of service is remembered by God.

Please watch today's sermon. Pastor Donald talks about how we, as Christians, misunderstand Jesus' love for us when we have to wait. This sermons shows three lessons to learn about "The Love Delayed" from Mark 6:45-52.