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March 25, 2025

Create In Me A Clean Heart (Psalm 51:10-12)


Create In Me A Clean Heart
CCLI Song # 3113130 Keith Green


Create in me a clean heart, O God 

And renew a right spirit within me 


Create in me a clean heart, O God 

And renew a right spirit within me 



Cast me not away  

from Thy presence, O Lord 

And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me 


Restore unto me,  

the joy of Thy salvation 

And renew a right spirit within me 

정결한 맘 주시옵소서 CCLI Song # 7048786 Keith Green


정결한 마음 주시옵소서 오 주님 

정직한 영을 새롭게 하소서 


정결한 마음 주시옵소서 오 주님 

정직한 영을 새롭게 하소서 



나를 주님 앞에서 

멀리하지 마시고 

주의 성령을 

거두지 마옵소서 


구원의 기쁨 

다시 회복시키시고 

변치 않는 맘 

안에 주소서

Mar 30, 2025 Praise & Worship


March 23, 2025

Mar 23, 2025 “You Are Called, Too”(Numbers 1:47-54)

You are called, too.

In this passage, we see God giving the Levites a special purpose. The Levites were not counted in the census commanded by God. The census was to count all the men capable of military service. Levites were excluded from this census because they had to take care of the tabernacle. 

Many people think the Levite had a cushy job. They did not have to fight or risk their lives. However, their jobs were hard. The Levites had an extremely demanding job because they had to live in hyper vigilance. They could be killed by God for not following the rules completely. 

Many people also believe that unless they are called by God to be pastors, this passage does not include them. God calls us all to maintain and manage the church. We might not be pastors, but we are called to do different tasks and responsibilities to keep the church running. 

The tabernacle may not exist anymore as a tent or temple, but it still exists in our hearts. We need to keep and maintain the tabernacle in our heart. We are all called to keep our lives pure. We are to pray for forgiveness and turn away from temptations.

The final misconception is that our calling is higher than others. The truth is that all of our callings are just as important as others. All of our jobs can be holy and sacred. All jobs are important and we can dedicate it to God. The degree of holiness and authority of a pastor is the same as other callings. 

Our callings from God is the same for all jobs. Whenever we do our jobs for God's glory, we are fulfilling our calling. Our daily tasks and prayers are significant to God. 

Every day we can live to glorify God and follow our calling. Just like the Levites, we, too, have been called.