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January 2, 2010

There is time for everything

There is time for everything, and a time for change is often the most difficult one. We as English speaking and International Church have seen too many changes taking place over the years. Pastors have come and gone; members have come and gone but the beauty of relationships lives on for a long time if not for the lifetime. Looking from heaven’s eyes, we know that the material possessions we acquire will one day be left behind; houses, cars, toys, and you name it…all of them will have no worth when our time on this earth is over. But even at that time of our change, if we have acquired good friends and relationships, they will continue to live on in eternity. Therefore, as we have now come to a place of another change in our fellowship, let us remember to cherish all that we have accomplished so far and look ahead to the future with high expectation from the hand of the Lord.

Pastor Peter Shin has now moved on from English worship to the young adult worship in the Korean department. Let us continue to pray for him and his family so that they will be all that God has called them to be. While we say goodbye to Pastor Peter, we also welcome Pastor Bhatta and his family into our fellowship. Pastor Bhatta is originally from Nepal but has lived, studied and married in India. Mrs. Bhatta comes from the Indian state of Manipur. They have one son, Martin, who is now 16 years old. Prior coming to OEM, Pastor Bhatta led church pioneering ministry in Nepal. Their ministry can be seen at Pastor Bhatta also has ministry experience in Korea during his seminary days. Lets keep our hearts open to God and to one another so that we can hear his word and feel the leading of his Holy Spirit.

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