
March 6, 2016

What Shall Cause A Man To Be Ashamed Of Christ Jesus And Of His Word? (Mark 8:31-38)

Speaker: Pastor Enoch Hanokh                                                         Sunday March 06, 2016

Message: What Shall Cause A Man To Be Ashamed Of Christ Jesus And Of His Word?

Grounding Scripture(s): Mark 8:31-38


We are in an age that does not defer to the knowledge of God let alone acknowledge the person of Christ Jesus and His Word.  And yet, it is in the very person of Him and His Word that the knowledge of God unto salvation for the sinful man is hidden; this is the wisdom of the shame of Christ. Will I be willing to be identified with the shame of Christ? Or will I be ashamed of Him in defense of my own ‘reputation’ in order to win the fleeting-flirting embraces of this sinful world?

The traps that we should not fall for.

1. Rejection of suffering and shame of Christ: Vs. 31, 38 (the hidden treasure of God’s wisdom (I Peter 2:4-6).

-Not Eternal purpose centered love: There not Christ centered love

-Self-preservation instead of Eternal purpose



2. Zeal without knowledge. Vs. 32-33.

-Deviation from Eternal purpose of God

-Opposition to Eternal purpose of God

-Lose of focus on Eternal purpose of God

3. Friendship with the world: Self-belief; self-indulgence; tolerance for the world; self-love etc… Vs 34-5. 1 John 2:15-17

-Not accepting the cost

-Friendship with the world; “evil communication corrupting good manners”

-Whoring with the world (for material gain?) 

Daejeon Onnuri English Ministry:                                                   Sunday March 6, 2016

SMALL GROUP STUDY ON THE MESSAGE: “What Shall Cause A Man To Be Ashamed Of Christ Jesus And Of His Word?”

Based on today’s message, let us consider the following two questions in sharing with one another the understanding and insight we have received from the Word of God. We are also encouraged to share with others how we want to apply the meaning of today’s message in our personal Christian life.

1. Discussion the three ‘traps’/ways that cause a man to be ashamed of Christ Jesus and His Word instead of embracing Him and His Word.

2. In rejecting Christ Jesus and His Word, what do some people (Christians) embrace instead?

3. As Christians, what should be our focus?

4. Is it possible to be Christians and friends of the world at the same time?

5. What does our LORD Jesus want us to do?-Application question……


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