
September 11, 2024

A Mighty Fortress is Our God


A Mighty Fortress is Our God

© Words: Public Domain

Verse 1

A mighty fortress is our God

A bulwark never failing

Our helper He amid the flood

Of mortal ills prevailing

For still our ancient foe

Doth seek to work us woe

His craft and power are great

And armed with cruel hate

On earth is not his equal


Verse 2

Did we in our own strength confide

Our striving would be losing

Were not the right man on our side

The man of God's own choosing

Dost ask who that may be

Christ Jesus it is He

Lord Sabaoth His name

From age to age the same

And He must win the battle


Verse 3

And though this world

With devils filled

Should threaten to undo us

We will not fear

For God hath willed

His truth to triumph through us

The prince of darkness grim

We tremble not for him

His rage we can endure

For lo his doom is sure

One little word shall fell him


Verse 4

That word above all earthly pow'rs

No thanks to them abideth

The Spirit and the gifts are ours

Through Him who with us sideth

Let goods and kindred go

This mortal life also

The body they may kill

God's truth abideth still

His kingdom is forever

CCLI Song # 2184098
Frederick Henry Hedge | Martin Luther | Tommy Walker

새찬송가(한영) 585장 내 주는 강한 성이요 A Mighty Fortress is Our God 통합찬송가 384장 

1. 내 주는 강한 성이요
방패와 병기되시니
큰 환난에서 우리를
구하여 내시리로다
옛 원수 마귀는 이때도 힘을 써
모략과 권세로
무기를 삼으니
천하에 누가 당하랴

2. 내 힘만 의지할 때는
패할 수 밖에 없도다
힘 있는 장수 나와서
날 대신하여 싸우네
이 장수 누군가 주 예수 그리스도
만군의 주로다
당할 자 누구랴
반드시 이기리로다

3. 이 땅에 마귀 들끓어
우리를 삼키려 하나
겁내지 말고 섰거라
진리로 이기리로다
친척과 재물과 명예와 생명을
다 빼앗긴대도
진리는 살아서
그 나라 영원하리라

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