
August 7, 2022

"God of Creator"(Genesis 1-13)

Genesis 1-13


Our creator God not only created everything but also organized His creation. Our God also allowed His creation to live and grow. Our creator God takes care of us and allows us to live in His providence.


Moses struggled the most with the Israelites falling into idolatry. In Genesis, the words for Sun, Sky, and other gods are the same words that the Egyptians used for their gods. This was to show God was above all things.


All religions talk about an afterlife. There are promises of life after death in a fashion. Religions normally take on ideas that cannot be controlled by us such as the sun, the sky or death. These religions look for control of events that are beyond our power. We cannot command the sun to rise or set; we cannot make it rain; we cannot stop death, or when we do, it is temporary.


Unlike other religions, we do not try to control those things that are beyond our power. We live in this world and His providence and must remember that God is above all. The reality is that we are under the sovereignty of God and at His mercy, but His mercy is great.


God named all things and gave His creation identity. God also called all things good. God tasked Adam with naming God's creation. God allows us to share in this glory with God. Although God named all things and set them in order, we can still discover and name, and we can still see His divine organization.


Yet, our world has polluted water, air, soil, and souls. God created everything with divine understanding and perfect craftsmanship has become corrupted. God did not spoil His creation. We corrupted God’s creation. Let us repent and work with God in preserving His creation.


God is the creator God who loves and takes care of His creation. God has given us Christians new lives with truth and light, we can appreciate this new life that God is also transforming us into the creations he always wanted us to be.


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