
January 11, 2021

Announcements Week 2 for 2021

 Dear bothers and sisters in Christ,

Here are a few announcements.

1. We will resume online small group meetings through Zoom this Tuesday, January 12 at 8:00 pm.  Please see the separate Zoom link in our Kakaotalk chat room.

2. The House of Prayer meetings continue from 9:05 pm to 9:30 pm and then the 90 day whole Bible reading goes from 9:30 pm to 10:15 pm Mondays to Saturdays. This is done through Zoom. A separate Zoom link will be provided in our Kakaotalk chat room. You can start any time. It is a really blessed meeting with Christians from Onnuri churches.

3. This Sunday, we will try to have worship through Zoom. We will record on a separate camera the service for YouTube, but we will also have Zoom open for people to participate in the service in real time. The Zoom session will not be recorded. A Zoom link will be provided later this week.

       4.  Although only a few members can attend on Sundays because of social distancing restrictions, please remember to take time to reach out to other members by phone, text or Zoom to pass on your love and pray with them.  We may be a scattered church physically but not spiritually. 

Thank you for your attention.

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