
October 11, 2020

Fall 2020

Fall 2020

It has been awhile, but it looks like we are back in business as it were. There are four items which need to be announced today.

1. Daejeon Onnuri English Ministry will resume it's English worship service at 2:00pm on Sundays next week. Anyone who attends the English worship service must have their temperature checked and follow social distancing rules as well as wear a mask. This also means that we will not have food or fellowship after the service. There is still no children's service.

  Since we have not had service in awhile and we would like to ensure that DOEM is ready to once again conduct services in a pandemic world, only the worship team and leadership will meet on October 18 for the worship service. All other members will be allowed to join on October 25, 2020.  

2. Online small groups will resume on October 20. We will have small groups meeting from 8:30 to 9:30 pm on Tuesday and Wednesdays. More information will come when Zoom links and study guide questions are ready to be shared.

3. Saturday Bible Study will resume on October 24. We are looking into the possibility of meeting in the Daejeon Onnuri building. If it is not possible, we will resume online. Regardless, SBS will be held on Saturdays from 10 am to 12 pm.

4. We encourage you to attend the House of Prayer meeting being held over Zoom from Mondays to Fridays. You access the meeting through the OEM channel on Kakaotalk.

More information will follow in the days to come.

Have a restful Sabbath in the Lord. All the glory to God. 

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