
January 20, 2019

January 20, 2019, Growing to Attain the Kingdom Maturity

Growing to Attain the Kingdom Maturity 
Luke 13:18-19 

Everyone who believes in Jesus has peace when we are following and worshiping God in a right way. The dilemma is that most believers are not at peace. When we reflect on our lives, we wonder why we have not changed into the perfect followers of Christ. In fact, we may even ask why has not God changed me more completely. 

The parable of the mustard seed (Luke 13: 18-19) can be used to respond to the question, "Why do I keep sinning and failing?" Pastor Donald explains how the mustard seed illustration shows spiritual growth and four Kingdom principles of growth.

Principles Governing Growth in the Kingdom

1. The principle of growth of the Kingdom needs to be intentional. It takes willingness and commitment to grow spiritually. Spiritual growth does not just happen and it is not always fun. We cannot only do things that we are comfortable with or enjoy. With international commitment you do things to grow whether it is pleasant or not. 

2. Another principle is that growth in the kingdom has a small beginning and needs care. Like the mustard seed, something very small grew into a huge tree. Our faith will be exposed to temptations, trials, challenges and resistance. We have an enemy who is trying to destroy our growth. The enemy is attacking our faith to keep it small; however through suffering and endurance our faith grows and becomes perfect. (James 1:2-8, 10-12 ESV )
3. Another principle of growth is that progressive requires nurturing with tenacity.  There needs to be observation of our spiritual life and determination to follow Jesus in order to cultivate our faith. 

4. The last principle of growth is perfected in their ministerial responsibility. When we put into practice our Christian life, we grow. Moreover, the responsibility of our ministry allows us best to grow. By engaging in a ministry, we set the target to serve God in His Kingdom and by this we can perfect our faith more and more. 

We need to be active in our growth. How do we do this? Here are three ways to encourage  spiritual growth in our lives. 

Actively Taking Part in the Kingdom Growing 

1. Keep receiving God's word. Keep sowing by reading the Bible, hearing His word and praying.

2. We need to actively cultivate our faith. Find prayer partners, join Bible studies join and cell groups.  

3. Put in practice the revelation that has been given to you by the Holy Spirit. It will not be easy, but remember that branches that bear fruit are cut back to bear more fruit.

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