
November 18, 2018

November 18, 2018 Listening to His Death

November 18, 2018

Pastor Donald explores why Jesus' disciples could not understand His words as found in Luke 9:43-45. Like Jesus' disciples, we too put our own goals ahead of God's plans and as a result we cannot understand or will not accept Jesus' words. However, by "Listening to His Death" we can answer these three questions.

  1. 1. Why did Jesus repeat to His disciples that He would die ? 
  2. 2. Why did the disciples fail to grasp this quickly? 
  3. 3. Why did Jesus put His disciples into a state confusion? 

There will be times of exaltation as well as times of humiliation, but these moments in time will pass.  Jesus is sovereign and will continue to be sovereign in the good times and the bad times.

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